Painting with Grandkids and more painting!!

The boys loved doing small paintings.  They looked good and didn’t take as long to paint. The shark and sunflower painting are 5″x5″on canvas.  The  winter and night scene are 3″x3″ paimtimgs. They all fit on small wooden easels.   The 2nd grader, 4th and 5th grader were all pleased with there paintings and so was I.



I arrived in New York with lots of art supplies in my suitcase.  Between activities, homework, school, scoccer and karate we started a painting marathon.


My grand daughter loves painting as much as I do. We painted pumpkins and flowers before school and after school. I had given a watercolor workshop at Sherman Gardens on painting pumpkins and sunflowers. Big round oval pumpkin shapes and small circles and rounded petal shapes for flowers.IMG_7079My painting for watercolor class.


My 4 year old granddaughter did many wonderful paintings!


The fourth grader did this painting of a soccer field!  It’s 3″x3″ . A wonderful painting somewhat abstract.


My minature winter paintings are 3″x3″.  I really enjoy painting and being able to share painting ideas and skills is fantastic!