Food, Food, Food and Eating

Chickens, chickens, chickens everywhere.  In Connecticut we stopped by my girlfriend’s relatives to see the production.  They were getting about 80 chickens ready for eating and freezing.  I think not everyone wants to see the pictures, but most of us like to eat free range home grown chicken.   It was quite amazing to see.


My friend has peacocks that roam the property and were fed leftover pancakes or bread.  The pancakes were fresh home made.  I don’t know how there were any leftovers but I think she made some especially for the peacocks.P1040666

Picking strawberries in the town I used to live in was fun!

I traveled to Pennsylvania next.  The trucks  through New Jersey were aggressive and the worst I had experienced in my cross country travels.  I was happy to arrive at my Aunt’s farm.P1040745

I was greeted by LuluBelle and Daisy.

We picked asparagus and lettuce from the garden.  My Aunt has about 25 chickens that wander the grounds.  One day they had to stay inside the barn because we went to the Reunion.  I told them about chickens that never got to go outside. They seemed indifferent.


My cousin made a delicious Shoo-fly Pie for me.  Yum!

My Aunt and I drove to Schafferstown to get 2 smoked tongues.

We went to the family reunion and see alpaca, deer and more food than you can imagine.  People related to me that I had never seen before were there.  First a lot of eating and then everyone introduced themselves.

Roots Farmer’s Market always has lots to see and good food to eat.



Bus tour of Kreider Farm in Manville, PA.

Visiting Lititz, PA

My cousin and I visited the quaint town of Lititz, PA.  We shopped, ate lunch, toured the Julius Sturgis pretzel factory, went to the Wilbur Buds Chocolate Store and had a great day.

The Pretzel Tour.

7 responses to “Food, Food, Food and Eating

  1. Love these trip notes. PA. is particularly interesting, we lived a total of 20 years there over two separate G.E. aerospace assignments. First in Wayne and the second go round in Radnor. I was dragged kicking and screaming across the country to Ca. on the last move, and now can’t imagine living anywhere else but here. Keep on keepin on, Marty


  2. Good job on the blog Carol! We had a lot of good memories this week! Have a safe and happy travelings for the rest of your summer adventures!


  3. Carol….Love your blogs…..This one made me hungry!!!!  Thought of you this AM.  I was up in Wrightwood with Josh and Bryce, then Paul came the next day.  Thought of you as Paul ordered biscuits and gravy at Grizzlies.  Keep the blogs coming….when are expecting to be back in O.C.?  Flossie

    From: Have Van Will Travel To: Sent: Friday, June 30, 2017 11:49 AM Subject: [New post] Food, Food, Food and Eating #yiv4279273907 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv4279273907 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv4279273907 a.yiv4279273907primaryactionlink:link, #yiv4279273907 a.yiv4279273907primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv4279273907 a.yiv4279273907primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv4279273907 a.yiv4279273907primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv4279273907 | carolkreider posted: “Chickens, chickens, chickens everywhere.  In Connecticut we stopped by my girlfriend’s relatives to see the production.  They were getting about 80 chickens ready for eating and freezing.  I think not everyone wants to see the pictures, but most of us lik” | |


  4. What a great trip down memory lane plus all the fun of seeing and being
    with relatives and great friends. A super grand summer adventure. Miss you
    and Diane with the walkers. We carry on, tho.
    Have a happy 4th.


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